gleena ceramics
Hand-crafted porcelain tableware line, designed, produced, and promoted by Asya Palatova.

Gleena Ceramics began as a side project while Asya was pursuing her career as a creative director in New York City. After graduating RISD, the gleena line demanded more and more attention, until it became Asya’s sole focus and the primary source of income.

Fast-forward 13 years, and the recent porcelain supply chain issues have made regular production difficult. Asya made the decision to merge gleena ceramics shop with her graphic design work. The two inspire and inform each other after all. Using the knowledge gained while building gleena ceramics, Asya helps other entrepreneurs launch their ideas.

ON-GOING CHALLENGE: How to evolve and promote a brand over 20 years. Asya launched in 2004 after graduating RISD with an MFA in ceramics. Since those early days of online shopping, Asya has gone through three back-end shopping cart platforms. Learning from those experiences, Asya approaches brands and websites as works in progress. To keep up with the ever-evolving digital advances, one has to know how to update web content on a regular basis.

ON-GOING SOLUTION: To keep the shop looking fresh for repeat customers, Asya photographs, writes stories, and makes videos. Creating how-to-glaze-ceramics videos for social media has been successful in drawing a new audience to Asya’s Instagram.

Asya creates glazing videos for her Instagram and YouTube channels.
